
      Up until now, I have never opened this blog to the public. To anyone actually. It just started out as
some sort of a journal for myself, but since I am not tech savvy and have a hard time sitting in front of a screen for long, I tend to write directly into my real life journal.=) 
     If anyone ever reads this, you will note that I started this a few years ago, and haven't posted much. However, I just wanted to note that though those entries are not the most current in my life, they are still just as heartfelt now as they were then. In fact, as I went back to read them, I did get a bit emotional at times because they brought me back to those very special, very real places in my life.  We have 5 kids.   They are all wonderful and I am proud of them all and WOW, what an adventure!! Our family is by no means perfect and I hope to never paint that picture here or anywhere else. We are all a little wild, it seems. As much as I can't stand it, our house is regularly messy.  I get stressed out and impatient. I often feel like a  frustrated and hopeless perfectionist.  Perfection doesn't work here. At all. That makes me feel out of control, which frustrates me even more.  Most of us are still trying to learn the art of holding our tongue when we are angry. We hurt each other's feelings. We raise our voices when we shouldn't. Jesse and I have no idea how to parent. We just  fake it as we go and really hope and pray that  the Lord will cover our crazy mistakes.  Anyway, despite all the chaos and noise and messes, we  love the heck out of each other. We like doing this wild and crazy life together. We love Jesus and are all learning what it means to live in and from His grace..This gift of relationship with Him, that we have done nothing to deserve.  More than anything, Jesse and I both, and I hope our kids too, just want our lives to bring Him glory and honor. Through the good, the bad and the ugly... here we are.    I am not a perfect writer. I will make lots of mistakes, I am sure, but I am willing to lay it out there in hopes to encourage even one soul.. Here we go...


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