Be Still


Every so often, a force as strong as gravity pulls me to the face of the ocean. I have no expectations when I am here, no desires, but to watch the waves and listen to the sounds of them.  I can do this for hours. I don't need the weather to be one way or the other.  I just have to see the waves.   I can't think of anything else in life that can bring me to sit in silence and adoration that long without feeling restless, being bored, feeling that I am wasting time or thinking of the next thing that I need to do.  In the face of these waves, I just come to be.  For me it is a tangible place that is  like coming to sit in the presence of God.  The ocean roars of His majesty, His glory, and His power.  When I am in front of these waves that would reach out and swallow me whole if they weren't given boundaries, I am both enveloped with this familiar juxtaposition of a healthy fear and an indescribable peace.  This broad and mysterious piece of ocean that I see before me is such a tiny representation of its whole being. This is so true of my limited understanding of the vastness of God's goodness, love and His whole being .  There is a whole world happening below the expansion of this water that I cannot see or comprehend.  Our perspective is so limited, yet still invites us into adoration and to rest in His presence.  


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